Traditional Art

Drawn on paper and canvas!

Anything that you want to draw? Ever think of picking up a pencil or some paper? Maybe a paintbrush and some canvas? Well maybe traditional art is for you! Everything from stellar paintings to simple little sketches of everyday things, this versitile medium is everything you could want for a great start!

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Digital Art

Drawn on an electronic screen!

Maybe you've always wanted to make things like you see in video games, printed on stickers, or otherwise commonly seen on social media. If so, then digital art is your place! With great technology comes great content, and with great content comes great creators! New or not, digital art is something you can pick up easy as your phone!

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Textile Art

Things made with your hands!

Perhaps you'd like to go a step farther than everyone else, really get down and dirty with your work. Textiles are definitely a way to go! Everything from plushy making to rug sewing to making clay bird houses if you so please! For every knit-wit, clay-player, and forge master out there!

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